Date | Title | Description |
1/14/25 | XV6 Series: MIT Labs 2024 | Write-ups for Lab: Traps |
1/14/25 | XV6 Series: MIT Labs 2024 | Write-ups for Lab: Lock |
1/5/25 | XV6 Series: MIT Labs 2024 | Write-ups for Lab: Page tables |
8/30/21 | Job recommendation system for CS/IT program. | Implement job recommendation system for CS/IT program |
8/18/21 | Extract aspects from sentence using denpendency parsing and POS tags | Extract aspects in the sentences for aspect sentiment analysis uisng dependency parsing and pos tags. |
8/17/21 | AIVIVN Product Review Sentiment Analysis [Pytorch Lightning Sample] | Training the sentiment classifier (TextCNN) for AIVIVN product review dataset using Pytorch Lightning. |
8/15/21 | Content based recommendation system for movies [Baby Version] | Develop a content-based recommendation system for movies. |
7/28/21 | Text Processing & Labelling [Part2] | Sample of labelling data for Sentiment Analysis task |
7/27/21 | Text Processing & Labelling [Part1] | Sample of text preprocessing. |
7/4/21 | Interactive Attention Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification | Interactive Attention Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification |
6/26/21 | Attention based LSTM for Aspect level Sentiment Classification | Attention-based LSTM for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification |
6/21/21 | PhoBERT Vietnamese Sentiment Analysis on UIT-VSFC dataset with transformers and Pytorch Lightning | Apply PhoBERT on UIT-VSFC dataset. |
6/20/21 | Effective LSTMs for Target Dependent Sentiment Classification [Part 2] | Reproduce the ‘Effective LSTMs for Target Dependent Sentiment Classification’ paper. |
6/18/21 | Effective LSTMs for Target Dependent Sentiment Classification [Part 1] | Reproduce the ‘Effective LSTMs for Target Dependent Sentiment Classification’ paper. |
5/9/12 | Rubik Solving | My recording of solving rubik and related videos |
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